The Conversion And Seasoning Of Wood

William H. Brown

Publisher Year ISBN
Linden Publishing Company 1989 0-941936-14-7

Reviewed by:

Charles L. Driggs

This book is one of few references I've found available that provides fairly detailed information on sawing timber for yield, drying of lumber, and stabilization of green wood. It is written in a style more typical of the first half of the 20th century, but packed with information useful to anyone attempting to process timber into woodworking materials or finished products. Useful information is provided on European, North American and Australian hardwoods, as well as on building and operating a kiln, air drying, dehumidifier drying and solar kilns, on sawmill processes, and on various problems associated with changes in moisture or drying of wood. This one goes beyond Bruce Hoadley's book (see elsewhere) on these topics, and seems to me to be nicely supplemented by the USDA Wood Handbook's technical information.