A Guide to the Makers of American Wooden Planes, 4th edition

Emil & Martyl Pollak, revised by Thomas L. Elliott

Publisher Year ISBN
Astragal Press 2001 1-931626-00-6

Reviewed by:

Ken Greenberg

This series of books is the standard reference for the history of American plane makers. The fourth edition (gernerally called "AWP4" for short) is the first issued after the death of Emil Pollak, who (with his wife Martyl) was the driving force behind the first three. Tom Elliott has greatly expanded the work, adding many new entries. Rubbings of various makers marks and images of the wedge shapes are provided to help you understand who made your plane and if the wedge is original. Includes information on scarcity, indicating how rare your plane may be. Gives locations and dates of operation of various makers, and shows how the various makers are related through name changes, mergers, and acquisitions.